InSend vs Mailchimp

A Comprehensive Email Marketing Comparison

Get a detailed comparison of InSend and Mailchimp, two popular email marketing solutions. Compare their features, pricing, and performance, and find the email marketing solution that works best for your business.

Feature comparison

To feature or not? That’s the question.
Review the features of each solution and compare the benefits within a few minutes.

Pricing comparison

6,000 monthly email sends

Access to all popup types

Full access to email marketing

Pre-built Journeys

Free email & chat support
from $20
InSend Standard
Up to 10,000 visits and 10,000 emails

Full access to all web-forms

Full access to email marketing

Full access to automations

Advanced analytics and
eCommerce funnel

24/7 technical support & expert marketer consultancy calls
Key Differences
Advanced Automation Capabilities
While Mailchimp offers automation features, InSend takes it to the next level with its advanced automation capabilities. InSend allows you to create complex automation workflows based on customer behavior, such as abandoned cart recovery, welcome series, personalized product recommendations, and more. With InSend, you can build intricate, behavior-based automations to nurture your leads and customers throughout their journey.
Personalization and Dynamic Content
InSend empowers you to create highly personalized email campaigns with dynamic content. You can dynamically insert product recommendations, personalized discounts, and other customized elements based on individual customer data. This level of personalization helps increase engagement and conversions. While Mailchimp offers some personalization options, InSend's capabilities are specifically optimized for e-commerce businesses, allowing for more advanced personalization and dynamic content creation.
Robust Analytics and Reporting
InSend offers detailed analytics and reporting features to help you track and measure the performance of your email campaigns. You can gain insights into open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, revenue generated, and more. The analytics in InSend are geared towards e-commerce metrics and provide valuable data to optimize your email marketing strategy. Mailchimp also provides analytics, but InSend's specialized e-commerce analytics offer more relevant and actionable insights.
Integration comparison
Start your email marketing effectively & efficiently
Try InSend for free today and choose by yourself!