Skyrocket email marketing & become a pro

Transform your e-commerce marketing with our all-in-one platform. Driving growth and revenue through advanced segmentation, behavior-based automations and ultra-personalization.

Enhanced Segmentation

Use our powerful E-commerce customer segmentation tools to create highly targeted email campaigns and send the right message to the right person at the right time.

Customer Data Platform

Our platform integrates with your e-commerce platform and collects data on your customers' behavior, purchase history, and preferences to create a single customer view.

Email marketing for e-commerce

Our platform offers a range of features to help you automate your email marketing campaigns and grow your business.

Web Form Creator

Create beautiful web forms to capture new subscribers and build your email list. Create personalized popups to guide website visitors around your store.
Our drag-and-drop email builder makes it easy to create beautiful, professional-looking emails in a matter of minutes.

Easy-to-Use Email Editor

Pre-Built Campaign Libraries

Choose from our library of pre-built email marketing automations, including welcome series, abandoned cart, back in stock, browse abandonment, post-purchase, and more.

Behavior-Based Automations

Set up automations triggered by your customers' behavior on your website or in your emails.

Powerful E-commerce Analytics

Track your email marketing analytics and get insights into how your email marketing is impacting your e-commerce business.
Choose from our library of pre-designed email templates, optimized for e-commerce businesses to increase conversions.

Proven E-commerce Templates

24/7 Technical Support

Our team of experts is always available to help you with any questions or issues you may have.
Create beautiful web forms to capture new subscribers and build your email list. Create personalized popups and personalized product recommendations to guide website visitors around your store.

Advanced Personalization

Our platform offers everything you need to create effective email marketing campaigns and grow your e-commerce business. Try it today and see the difference it can make!
Voice of our Customers
  • Jane
    Owner of Jane's Boutique, NYC
    I've used a lot of email marketing platforms over the years, but this one is by far the most user-friendly and effective. Our open rates have skyrocketed since making the switch.
  • John
    Marketing Director at Astra Apparel, Cincinnati
    The email segmentation and automation capabilities of have completely changed how we do email marketing. It made our campaigns much more targeted and efficient.
  • Sarah
    Owner of Sarah's Sweets, St. Louis
    I was hesitant to try another email marketing tool, but this one exceeded my expectations. The drag and drop builder and various sales email templates made designing campaigns a breeze

How It Works

A fast and engaging approach to boost your email marketing metrics.

Connect your online store

Sign up for free through a popular e-commerce platform like Shopify, WooCommerce, Magento, or manually connect your online store.

Collect email addresses
Design and launch web forms or popups with discount codes, exclusive promotions, free shipping, giveaways, early access to new products, or personalized product recommendations to grow the subscriber list.

Segment and manage subscriber lists

Organize and segment contact lists based on various criteria, such as demographics, behavior, and engagement, to ensure targeted and personalized email communication. Create unique e-commerce customer segmentation.

Design email campaigns
Choose from our library of pre-built email templates or design your own personalized email campaigns, including promotional, transactional, and lifecycle emails, ensuring that they adhere to brand guidelines and best practices

Automate email workflows

Set up and manage automated email workflows, such as welcome series, abandoned cart reminders, and re-engagement campaigns, to improve customer engagement and retention. Use email campaign management to optimize sales funnel.

Analyze results and get insights
Track the performance of email campaigns in real-time with our powerful analytics dashboard. See who opened, clicked, and converted from your emails, and use that data to build the strongest multichannel marketing strategy ever.

Grow your business

Use our e-commerce email marketing platform to increase your email list, boost engagement, and drive sales for your e-commerce business.

Frequently Asked Questions

Try InSend on Your Online Store

Start a 7-day free trial and enjoy all features on your store.
No credit card needed.