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Month 4 Web-forms One-Time Emails

Month 4 - Day 4

Daily tasks:

  • Create a survey for autumn expectations
  • Launch one-time email with autumn collection

Create a survey for autumn expectations

I decided to do a survey to understand what clients expect from us in the fall. We don’t really want to make standard collections for the holidays, so after talking with the team, we decided to give a choice: atmospheric posters for Halloween or posters inspired by David Lynch.
Here's how I did it:
  • I went to web forms section to sales and promotions folder and created a new pop up form.
  • I've decided to make a simple poster without any pictures to let people's imagination play the best. I edited the form and added 2 buttons. To make buttons stand near each other I used the code from the article. And edited them to be the same size and stand near each other.
  • Then I proceeded to mobile version and edited it as well. In mobile I didn't need buttons to be next to each other.
  • As I need to know how many votes we have, I need to have a specific property where the results will be written. To make this I went to settings, then to properties tab on the left. I added the new property and named it Autumn Collection Vote, set up the key as "vote" and left the string be.
  • Now I need to make my buttons in webform write needed answer in that pole. I used this article, specifically the update_info part. As I've seen before, button can proceed JS scripts and that's what I need. I took the initial code from the article: insend('event', 'update_info', {}, {email: ''}); and changed it to:
  • insend('event', 'update_info', {}, {vote: 'Halloween'});
  • insend('event', 'update_info', {}, {vote: 'David Lynch'});
  • Now I need to put these codes to my buttons. I clicked on the button and instead of "Send to InSend" I've chosen "Run Java Script" and then pasted the code.
  • After that I went to settings and added a property to filter: Autumn Collection Vote is unknown + Orders greater than 0
  • After double checking, I launched the webform.

Launch one-time email with autumn collection

I also decided to remind clients that the autumn collection is still waiting for them on the site and make a 3rd email with the collection.
  • I went to New collection folder in Emails tab and duplicated an email "Autumn Collection #2"
  • I left the content of email unchanged as it fits my needs
  • In the setting I added OR conditions: Autumn Collection #2 is now sent OR Autumn Collection #3 is sent but not viewed. I also deleted condition about orders.
  • Reviewed email one more time, sent a test email to myself and set up sending to 7th of September at 2 P.M.