InSend Live
Month 3 One-Time Emails Automations

Month 3 - Day 3

Daily tasks:

  • Prepare one time email for 1st article
  • Review the strategy for collecting emails from new visitors

Prepare one time email for 1st article

Here's how I prepared and launched an email with a blog article:
  • I selected a captivating blog article that showcased collections of poster designs for interiors and provided useful life hacks for creating a cozy home atmosphere. This article was in line with our strategy to grow customer loyalty.
  • I logged into InSend and navigated to Website Blog Campaign automation. I duplicated an email "New blog post" campaign and started to edit.
  • Then, I proceeded to insert the main content of the email, which included a brief introduction to the blog article, highlighting its key benefits and encouraging readers to explore it for valuable tips and inspiration.
  • To drive traffic to our blog, I inserted a prominent call-to-action button within the email, inviting recipients to "Read More" or "Discover the Article." This would direct them to the full blog post on our website. I also added some items from our store that were mentioned in the article
  • After proofreading the email and ensuring all the links were functioning properly, I proceeded to segment our email list. I targeted subscribers who had more than 3 sessions on our web site and the last one was less than a month ago.
  • Once the segmentation was complete, I scheduled the email to be sent at an optimal time when our subscribers were most likely to be receptive to receiving new content, such as during the morning hours or early afternoon.
  • Before hitting the send button, I reviewed the email one final time to ensure it aligned with our branding guidelines and conveyed the desired message effectively.
  • With everything in place, I launched the email campaign, eagerly anticipating the positive response from our subscribers and the increase in engagement with our blog content.
By consistently delivering valuable and engaging blog articles through email, we aimed to strengthen our relationship with customers, provide them with valuable resources, and ultimately increase their loyalty to our brand.

Review the strategy for collecting emails from new visitors

In the past month, we've managed to gather 535 contacts, which accounts for approximately 2.6% of all new monthly visitors. While this is a decent result, we do have room for improvement. Considering our monthly new traffic of around 20,000 visitors, I'd like to aim for at least a 5% conversion rate.

Currently, our conversion rate stands at 8.9%, and I strongly believe we can significantly enhance this figure. After being with InSend for two months, we've accumulated sufficient customer purchase data and product preferences to integrate the recommendation module.

My proposal is to include a recommendation block in our emails after sign-up, which I expect will boost our conversion rate to 12%. Tomorrow, I'll be starting this implementation to see the positive impact it brings. With this step, we can expect better engagement and increased sales from our email campaigns.